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We Love Esther

Esther… That’s a great Bible name! Esther and Widely (Widlene) are sisters. We took them in when their mother came to the gate of our house, nearly dead. Her mother, Madamn Jesula, wanted us to know that she was dying and if we would we take her children when she died. We put Esther’s mother in the hospital and when she was well, we took her into our orphanage and gave her a job. (Later, we built a little house for her.)

That was over fourteen years ago… Esther is 15 and very intelligent and in 10th grade now. She loves soccer and “boy sports,” and yet, she is at home in the kitchen! She wants to be a vet! We love Esther, her sister Widlene, and their mother, Madamn Jesula! – Sherry

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