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Word from the Mission Field

Divine Favor…

Joseph had favor before his father, Jacob, and had favor when he was thrown in prison unjustly by his brothers. Joseph had favor in Potipher’s house, favor again when he was thrown in prison, unjustly, and favor before the Pharaoh.

He was 30 years old when he stood before the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Read an amazing story from Genesis Chapter 37 through Chapter 45… Everything Joseph touched, God gave him favor! So many stories in the Bible of God’s favor.

Someone once said: “One day of favor is worth a thousand days of labor.” Favor comes from the Lord and the Lord moves through men to give you and I favor. 1 Samuel 2:26

Sherry and I pray every morning for favor from the Lord and men. We never go out the door without praying this prayer.

Bobby Burnette

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