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Expanding Our Edible Plant Nursery With More Breadfruit Trees

A few years ago, when we were just starting our Agricultural Training Center (ATC), we planted one small, young Breadfruit tree (Lam in Creole). Haitians value their large, delicious fruit and enjoy it prepared a number of different ways. It can be used like a vegetable before it is fully ripe. It can be baked, steamed, fried, sautéed, or used in dishes like soups and stews. When it is ripe it is sweeter and enjoyed raw, similar to bananas.

Since we first planted our first Breadfruit tree at the ATC, Wilner (Director of the ATC) has propagated more trees from the original one. A wonderful aspect of our Edible Plant Nursery is that we can expand it year after year by various propagation methods. Today the ATC team planted 13 new baby Breadfruit trees in the Edible Plant Nursery. In 5-6 years, we will begin to harvest many new fruits from these trees, giving enjoyable and healthy food for many generations to come.

One of the best outcomes of your gifts of support to our “Development for Sustainability” programs is that your gift keeps on “giving” for many, many years. This is “food for Life.” God Bless you.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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