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Getting Ready for Another Mobile Clinic

We are working overtime in Haiti, packing and labeling medicines and getting ready for another Mobile Clinic. It has been “very tough” this past year, trying to get downtown Port-au-Prince to buy medicines for our Jesus Healing Center and the Birthing Center.

Since the gangs had taken over many places, that means that our drivers cannot get to the pharmacies that sell the medicines we need for our Birthing Center, the Jesus Healing Center, and our Malnutrition Clinic.

Just about the time we had all the medicines we needed for the Mobile Clinic, Dr. Barthelemy, (head of the Jesus Healing Center), and Nixon, our Medical Administrator, would ask to borrow medicines from the Mobile Clinic. Since this was always a top priority, we gladly gave them anything they needed.

But, always, when the truck was ready to go to Port-au-Prince to pick up medicines for my Mobile Clinic, there would be gangs on the streets and our drivers couldn’t make it. So, now we have workers packing and labeling the new supply of medicines that we have received.

We have three sweet ladies who help in our Mobile Clinic preparation. Mobile Clinics are desperately needed now in Haiti because the poor Haitians cannot afford to ride public transportation, (tap taps), due to the rising cost of fuel. Sadly enough, many stay at home and die. We just take medical care “to them.” We will keep you informed and we ask your prayers for this upcoming Mobile Clinic, in the mountains of Haiti, Sherry

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