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Results for: savaan pit

151 results found.

Word from the Mission Field

“Our Guide till Death” Since living here in Haiti for over 30 years, we have been through a lot of experiences, most of them taking place in the mountains. The mountains of Haiti are beautiful from a distance, but actually, they are mostly sparse because of the Haitians cutting down trees since[…]

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Thank You For Praying for Jackson and Dieuferly

Sherry and I want to thank you for praying for little Jackson and Dieuferly. It means a lot to us. The power of prayer works! The Story of Jackson: Little Jackson, we found when we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic in a very remote part of Haiti called “Savaan[…]

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Update on Jackson

We just received a note from Dr. Barthelemy that Jasson’s operation to install the arteriovenous fistula was a success. Dr. Exantus, the specialist, will let us know when Jasson is ready. If this is the first time you have heard about this precious little boy, we found Jackson (Jasson in[…]

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Update on Jackson

Poor little Jackson (Jasson, in Creole). He was found when we conducted a Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit, in the mountains. He was suffering from kwashiorkor malnutrition, which is the most severe and life-threatening of the two kinds. His body held so much water that it was like “picking[…]

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A Pediatrician… This Tough Little Girl?

Jolina is growing up to be a young lady with a love of sports!!! She is very aggressive on the basketball court and in soccer, but she is all girl… fingernail polish and all! She loves school and loves to work, but she is a good cook as well! She is 13 years old,[…]

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Happy Birthday Kristela!

Happy Birthday, Kristela! We can’t believe she is 20! It seems like yesterday we were in that Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti, far back in the mountains! A poor, pregnant woman came to us because she was very sick. We treated her the best we could, but she was[…]

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Loving Kristela

Kristela is growing up and doing a great job! She was born in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti. When I had a Mobile Clinic, her mother was pregnant with Kristela. Her mother was involved in Voodoo, and also her grandmother and great-grandmother! You would think that this “Voodoo spirit”[…]

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All Girl, but a Toughie on the Basketball Court!

Jolina is 13 years old! She is almost 13 and in jr. high. Jolina and her cousin, Daphline (also at our Love A Child Children’s Home) came from the mountains of Savaan Pite, Haiti. Her father was murdered and her mother could not take the stress of taking care of[…]

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Kristela Is Everyone’s Favorite

Kristela has always been one of everyone’s favorite here at the Children’s Home!!! She is “tom-boy-ish,” and as someone said, “you could throw her ten feet, and she would bounce!” She is tall, thin, and always in motion!! We were in a Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit when Kristela’s mother,[…]

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A Special Little Boy!

Jackson (Jasson in Creole) is a very special little boy. Those of you that have heard his story know that he almost died of Kwashiorkor malnutrition. He is from the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti. Years later, he is doing much better now, but he still has kidney problems. He[…]

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