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Word from the Mission Field

The Scarlet Cord…

“And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly…And they went and came into an harlot’s house, named Rahab, and lodged there.” Joshua 2:1

Isn’t it strange that the Lord would use a prostitute (one whom religious rulers hated) to hide the two spies sent by Joshua? But now, the enemy knows they are there! The prostituteRahabhides them, sends the soldiers on a “wild goose chase,” and gets the men of God out safely. She lets them down by the “scarlet cord,” which is the symbol of the prostitute.

She knows that the “God of the spies” will win the battle and take over the land. She makes them promise that her life and the lives of her family will be saved when the Israelites invade. And they agree! She tells them that when the Israelites enter the city to “look for the same scarlet cord” which let all men know that she was a prostitute. The same scarlet cord that “drew” the men of God to her house for safety was the same “scarlet cord” by which she let them down to escape.

And the same “scarlet cord,” hanging outside her window, would save her life and the lives of her whole family. The amazing thing is that God used a prostitute and the scarlet cord, the sign of the prostitute, to save lives and bring deliverance!

Years ago, when we were evangelists, a woman called Bobby and told him she had won some money in a lottery and that she wanted to give it to Bobby for the Lord’s work. Some people found out about this (it wasn’t lot of money), and were highly critical that we would touch “the Devil’s money.” Bobby simply replied, “the Devil’s had it long enough! Nowlet God use it!”

Don’t put God in a box, as to who or what or how He can bless you! God can use anything and anyone!!!! Just be sure to give Him all the glory! Sherry

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