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“Joy Comes to the People of Thoma…”

Several weeks ago, the poor people of the village of Ganthier were invaded by the “gangs” of Haiti. The families grabbed their babies and children and their only cooking pot and fled to the mountains of Thoma. (Thoma is several hours in the mountains from us!!) The families had slept[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“But He knoweth the way that I take: and when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10 It’s hard, sometimes, to go through a trial, especially when you cannot “feel His presence.” Job was a great and humble man of God and God had given[…]

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Today, plat du jour in the prison in Anse a Veau was corn meal and bean sauce. After a nutritious meal, 273 prisoners were served freshly squeezed fruit juice to top off the meal! The Haitians often like to scrape the bottom of the pot for the “gratin,” the burned corn or[…]

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Ada… She’s Always Cooking Something Up!

Some kids call her “Ada,” and some call her Jessica. She and Bianca, her sister, have a brother here, Raphael. They came to us from Cape Haitian. Their aunt brought them to us, telling us that their parents had died aboard a “Haitian boat,” trying to get to the U.S. We[…]

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The Big Birthday Bash Continued…

Last evening, we posted some pictures of the big “Birthday Bash Celebration” of 17 of our Love A Child children. There are too many birthdays each month for each to have their own birthday party; it is very difficult to get to a “ grocery store” that sells ice cream[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Maybe God Doesn’t Care.” Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever thought, “God is so busy He doesn’t have time for me.” Jeremiah, the great prophet, got a message from God. “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of[…]

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Birthday Bash!

Our “Big Birthday Bash!” Tonight, we had a “Birthday Party” at Epidor Restaurant for nine of our Haitian children! The last time I went to the States, I bought cake mix, etc., because there are no grocery stores nearby now, because of the gangs. We took all the kids from[…]

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Humble Jonas

”He Could Hold a Heavy Haitian Hoe, but Not a Piece of Chalk!” Jonas… The first time we saw Jonas, he was up in the mountains, working in the heat of the Haitian sun, in a garden. In his hands was a Haitian “wou,” a large, heavy Haitian garden hoe. He[…]

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The Big Birthday Bash

Be watching late this afternoon for the big “Birthday Bash,” at the Epidor Restaurant. We will be celebrating the birthdays of 16 children!! We will have cake, ice cream, pizza, and cokes!! Yum! We wish you could join us! Be watching for the post later this afternoon. Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Pray for Haiti.” “As a roaring lion and a ranging bear, so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.” Proverbs 28:15 We are asking you to take a few minutes every day to say a prayer for the poor here in Haiti. Those that are in control of the[…]

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