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Miracle Tea?

“God gives the cow a tail to shoo away the flies…” – Haitian Creole proverb

Haitian tea for prevention of coronavirus…

Many friends have asked about the Haitian tea for coronavirus. Haitians make all kinds of teas and they believe in these teas. I had asked Wilner, who heads up our Agricultural Training Center program, to take a picture of anyone making this tea. He found a grandma who had her kids and grandkids all lined up “for a cup!”

Note: I am giving you the Haitian terms, so you may or may not have these plants.

400 grams of asorosia leaves

300 grams basil

3 lemons

Boil these in 3 liters of water. Ten people can get one cup.

Haitian Christians believe in prayer and tea, but all Haitians believe in tea!! We are not saying that this will prevent the virus, but we know that God takes care of the poor… They do not have access to hospitals, doctors, drugs, or ventilators like we do. They just recently received some ventilators, but not in comparison to what the U.S. has been blessed with.

There is a Creole proverb that says, “God gives the cow a tail to shoo away the flies.” Perhaps He gives them “teas” to “shoo away” the virus! Sherry

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