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They Love to Cook!

These girls love to cook!! And as I have said before, it’s because they love to eat! Fabiola is 10 years old and in the fifth grade. She is always crying over something. She’s a “drama queen.” She loves her room mother so much that if she can’t find her, she starts crying! She’s always helping with baby Zachary and Zoey!

Esther is 15 years old and feminine but plays basketball like a boy! She’s tough and merciless on the court! Ha! And she “really loves to cook!” (And eat!) Her goal is to be a vet! All of these girls are like sisters and they are “extremely close!” We know that God has wonderful plans for their lives!!

Esther was just a baby when her mother, Madamn Jesula, arrived at our front gate with baby Esther and Widlene, her young daughter. Madamn Jesula was so sick that she thought she was dying and wanted to give her two girls away to a good home before she died. We sent Madamn Jesula to a hospital and took care of her. When she was well, we brought her and her two children into our Love A Child Children’s Home and gave her a job! We later built her mom a house in Miracle Village.

We are so thankful that we answered that “knock on our gate” and did not “look the other way” or “pass by on the other side.” Sherry

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