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Girls Will Be Girls!

Mark Ostrander has been the supervisor over all of our construction projects and has been coming to Haiti for several years. His son Jared has “two sweet girls,” Mia and Caroline. They decided to “make gifts” and crochet items to send to our Haitian children. They made colorful jump ropes, bracelets, necklaces, and even made potholders for the cooks!

When I brought the girls together, I had them sit on the floor and watch as I opened the box! I said, “Girls are girls and they love girly things!” They put on the bracelets, necklaces, and started jumping rope! The best thing was baby Zoey (who has been the biggest crybaby and oh, so spoiled)! When she got her bracelets, she started dancing! Ha! It was so funny!!

Thank you to two very special little girls who thought of the children in Haiti! You girls made our day! Thank you especially for making Zoey happy. Maybe she has just been wanting some “girl stuff!” Ha!

Thank you! Sherry

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