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Mopping Up!

We are proud of our Love A Child kids working so hard. Today was not a school day, so we said, “Everyone works! Scrub and mop the floors, and then clean your closets!” They didn’t have enough scrub brushes for everyone but they all worked somehow! This is a large “children’s home” so there was lots of “floor” to scrub!

They slowed down a little until I brought out my “music maker” and they turned the Gospel songs up, and started dancing as they were mopping!! Oh well, “whatever it takes!” (Not all kids are pictured…some were in their rooms cleaning their closets!) They get up at 4:30 a.m. and start to work “disinfecting!” (Bobby and I are up about 3:30 or 4:00!)

The kids did a great job!! (Maybe you should show these pictures to your children or grandchildren! Ha!) There’s never a “dull moment” here in Haiti! God bless you!


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