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Our Sustainable Agriculture Training is Back!

Life without hope is unlivable. You can last about three days without water and about 21 days without food, but you cannot last one day without hope for a “tomorrow.” A life without dignity is horrible, too. But our three-week sustainable Agriculture Training Center (ATC) class gives both hope and dignity.

We are announcing the resumption of our important “ATC school,” where students from all around Haiti are sponsored to come to live, learn, work, and fellowship with us for three weeks at ATC in Fond Parisien. These courses have been very important to the graduates, who gained enough skill and self-confidence to return to their villages and towns and demonstrate what they have learned in new family and community gardens.

Lately, with the increased troubles in Haiti from violence and COVID-19, the prior students have let us know just how critical their new training is now for helping them sustain their families and communities. Our next three-week session will begin on Sunday afternoon, August 15th, and run through Saturday, September 5th. During this time the students will learn how to make and improve planting soil with available natural ingredients; how to make natural fertilizers and insecticides; proper planting, irrigation, and harvesting techniques that work in rural Haiti. Their sponsored tuition provides them with room and board in our great bunkhouse, all textbooks, a t-shirt, some basic tools, plenty of garden seeds from Hope Seeds, and drip irrigation kits from Chapin Living Waters.

If you have students who would like to come for this great learning experience or if you want to sponsor student scholarships, please contact our Fort Myers office at 239-210-6107 or email Rad at [email protected]. Your support of this great program can help us grow souls as well as new food gardens.

God Bless you,

Rad Hazelip

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