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Word from the Mission Field

“A Thermostat or a Thermometer?”

Years ago when I was dating Bobby, I went to church and we had a lady “evangelist.” I do not remember her name, but she was really a woman of God. Even though she wore her dresses a “little long” and was a little “old fashioned,” I had heard her speak before and always respected her. She gave a simple message one morning… “Are you a thermostat or a thermometer?” At first, I didn’t understand what she was talking about, but you could “feel” the Spirit of God when she spoke. She said, “Some people are always up and down in their faith. They’re up one day when things go right and down the next day when things don’t go as they expected.”  “But,” she said, “God wants you to be a thermostat. A thermostat remains the same no matter how hot or cold it is. You can set it on a certain degree, and it will stay…no matter what the weather is doing, it will hold its course. God wants us to be thermostats! Don’t go up and down…just ride the wave and stay the course!” That was her whole message…

James 1:6-7 declares, “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” That’s the thermometer…up when things go well, and bad when they don’t! Let’s be God’s “thermostat!” Let’s hold on to Him and keep our eyes on Him, and He will take care of everything else!!! Satan will always put things in our path to get us to “move off course,” but let’s stay the course…and be steady in faith! God bless you and have a great day! Sherry


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