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Jovanie’s Headed Back to Midwifery School

Jovanie is getting ready to go back to her “midwife” college in Hinche, Haiti. She was in need of a “female skeleton for anatomy” for her midwife classes, and our Love A Child office sent her a wonderful gift… and now she’s holding it!

She had already finished nursing college, but when she and other students took their nursing license exam early this year, the “people who gave the tests” said that they had “lost them!” Now, she and the other students have to take the test over again but cannot until next year! They only offer the tests once a year!!

Everything is much more difficult in Haiti! Jovanie looks forward to her midwife education and to passing her exam for nursing, “again” next year!

Nothing is easy in Haiti, but it makes this young generation strive to be the best! We are proud of Jovanie and all of our Love A Child kids!


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