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Our Sweet Ericka

More than half of the children here at our “Children’s Home,” came to us because their mother died during or right after birth. Such is the case with our sweet Ericka. When she was brought to us, she had a horrible, horrible skin infection and scratched constantly. It took a while to get this under control… But as she grew we knew she was mentally challenged. We tried putting her in school but she had a tough time. So we took her out and began teaching her how to do chores around the house. But, Ericka begged to go back to school!!! So, we put her back in school. She is so sweet and doesn’t care what kids say to her, she just goes on like life has been good to her!! We are so proud of her determination. She loves to “dress up,” go to church, and sing! She loves helping with the younger children and she is too good with them. We love her so much and we fell blessed that the Lord allowed us to be her parents!


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