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Word from the Mission Field

“Burn Those Bridges…”

Sometimes, we take too much time looking back and wondering, “what if?” George Washington was a great general. Once when he and his troops had just crossed over a bridge, one of his officers asked him, “Should we burn the bridge?” George Washington replied, “Burn the bridge! It’s victory or death!”

Lot and his family had just received a warning from the angel of God that God was about to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; Lot and his family lived in Sodom. An angel was sent to escort Lot and his family out of town but told them not to even “look back,” and anyone who did would be turned into a pillar of salt. Lot’s wife could not “burn that bridge.” She did not want to leave the sinful and wicked city she called home. She could not “burn the bridge,” and she paid the price.

That is why the Lord led the children of Israel through the Red Sea. God was going to “close up the Red Sea behind them.” He wanted them to “leave Egypt behind” because He had something better for them!

Today, are you struggling about “burning that bridge behind you?” That job you’re working with the bad atmosphere but yet, you are making good money…burn that bridge! You may be that young woman who has suffered abuse from that man for a long time, but you keep thinking, “He’ll get better.” No, he won’t! Burn that bridge!! Walkout and don’t look back.

God cannot move on your behalf while you stay in the same place, the same condition He wants to deliver you from, but you are afraid that God won’t give you something better! Don’t be afraid to burn that bridge and walk away! Don’t look back!!

“No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”- Luke 9:62



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