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Equipped for Every Good Work – An ATC Update

“… the servant of God is thoroughly equipped for every good work…” – 2 Timothy 3:17

This verse tells us of the benefits of following God, serving Him, and seeking His ways.

A follower of Jesus will be “equipped for every good work.” We believe this at our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) too, where our director, Wilner, and his staff teach Haitians the Biblical principles of gardening and becoming self-sufficient, able to grow their own nutritious food.

In addition to maintaining our Agricultural Training Center, the ATC staff has demonstration gardens at the ATC, demonstration gardens at the adjacent Miracle Village Family Garden plots, and a large garden and grow-houses at Love A Child Village (Verger garden) that support as many as 5 kitchens there, including the one at the Children’s Home.

Self-sufficiency is even more important in times like these where commercial food is not reliably available due to violence on the roads, and lack of fuel to transport produce and get to markets.

Here you see a large plot of cucumbers nearing harvest at the Verger garden near the Children’s Home, and healthy beets on their way to the kitchens. We are grateful for all those who support our “sustainability” outreaches so that we can have these productive gardens to supply home-grown food for the children and staff at Love A Child.

Rad Hazelip | Assistant Executive Director

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