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Love A Child Kids Make Love A Child What it is!

We are proud of all our Love A Child kids, but we love to see them “working and growing up” as part of our ministry. Here are two of the oldest girls… These two girls, Yolanda and Julia, are from the second set of four children that became our Orphanage. Yolanda is married and teaches “PRE-SCHOOL” at our Love A Child School. She does a great job and the children love her! Julia works in the lab at our Birthing Center. She just got married last December. We hope and pray that all of our kids here will grow up and work for us, and as the children say, “Love A Child is our responsibility. We need to live here, work here, and always take care of everything here at Love A Child, as Dad has taught us…” We believe these children will be changing lives here in Haiti! Thank you, Partners!!! Nothing happens without your help!!! Sherry

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