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Word from the Mission Field

Testimony Part Two:

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Please go back and read my 6:00 a.m. post from yesterday morning.

Every day, while I was fasting for 21 days the Lord felt like He was a million miles away. I couldn’t understand “why?”  When my 21 days of praying and fasting were ended, Sherry picked me up and drove me home. I really felt discouraged. I thought I would live in His “glory cloud,” see visions, or hear the voice of God speak to me… nothing happened.

That evening, I told Sherry, I wanted to stay in our other small bedroom by myself. While I was sitting in my rocking chair, all of a sudden, the glory of the Lord filled my room, and His presence was there! The Lord came close and spoke to me these words… “The just shall walk by faith, and not by sight…”

The Lord prepared me that evening “not to walk by what I feel, see, or can touch.” When I fasted for 21 days I wanted to feel his presence in a supernatural way, maybe see angels, or hear his voice. Nothing happened; the Lord felt like He was a million miles away. I kept on fasting, praying, and believing.

Until this day, I do not walk by how I feel in the morning; by what I see, or how I am touched today. I really do not walk “by logic,” some days. I walk by the Spirit. I walk by faith, not by sight!

When the Lord says, “build a project here in Haiti,” no matter what the expense is, I do it by faith!! It’s not our project, but the Lord’s project to bless the poor… “It’s By Faith, Not by Sight!”

Be sure and call or write the office for my book: “Love Is Something You Do.” Read the rest of the story! It’s our gift to you, which will bless your life.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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