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Update on Jasson (Jackson)

Jasson is doing better since his trip to the Dominican Republic. As many of you know, Jasson has severe kidney problems due to the kwashiorkor malnutrition he had when we found him years ago. Jesse Ostrander worked very hard to find Jasson the right doctor in the Dominican Republic (DR). The doctor he had in Haiti wanted to put him on dialysis as an adult, but the doctor in the DR said he should be treated as a child. (These are all his medications and vitamins, minus one we still have to get.) We will be buying a dialysis machine in the DR, thanks to one of our partners! PTL!

When we get this machine, he will be on peritoneal dialysis. The machine will pump the chemicals as he sleeps instead of an IV drip several times a day. This works better for us, as well as Jasson, due to all the gangs with guns in the Port-au-Prince area, and other areas of Haiti… where he normally would have been taking dialysis.

Our moms here at Love A Child take good care of Jasson… from all his medicines to his very strict diet. We are doing all we can to see that Jasson has the best life possible. God always has a plan! Sherry

Special thanks to Jesse, who has spent many days and trips to the DR for Jasson!

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