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Roselyne Dreams Big…

From time to time, we like to “brag on our Haitian children,” who have worked hard to achieve their dream.

This is an update on Roselyne. She is one of our oldest Haitian children. From the time that we brought her down from the mountains, after a Mobile Medical Clinic, she began to think about her future…

Years ago, when we started to build our Love A Child Orphanage in Fond Parisien, the Lord spoke to Bobby and said, “Build a beautiful orphanage, first-class for the children.” At that time, almost all the orphanages we had visited were dirty, had dirty mattresses, with some children sleeping on the bare springs, sticking up through the mattress. The people running some of these orphanages, kept the children dirty, and the place filthy, so that when people came, they would give more money.

When we first began to draw up the plans for our Orphanage, a man told us, “Bobby, you have to keep it simple. Your donors won’t like it if you build it beautiful for the orphans.” But, in prayer, the Lord told Bobby, “Bobby, you must build this orphanage beautiful, because the children you raise in it, will be ‘thoroughbreds.'” That was a strange way of speaking to our hearts, so we decided to build a beautiful orphanage. These children, living in a nice big, clean orphanage, began to reach for the stars. They knew that if they wanted a nice home someday, they would need a good education!

Roselyne has always loved Mobile Medical Clinics. But, a few years ago, we built a large beautiful Jesus Healing Center Clinic for the poor. Roselyne decided she would become a doctor and one day, she could work at our Love A Child Jesus Healing Center!! She studied every Medical Book she could find, in French. She volunteered at our Clinic and worked under Dr. Barthelemy in the E.R.

Two years ago, she enrolled in a very good Medical College in Port-au-Prince, which is in a dangerous area, due to gangs.

But, she knew she wanted to be the best!!! She has now passed two years in this college and in January, she will go into her third year! We are so proud of Roselyne and of all our other Haitian, who have “big dreams.” We always tell them, “You need two things in your life… Jesus and a good education!” You can succeed with both!!! We love Roselyne and we are proud of her and all the other children, who want to succeed in Haiti!

Bobby and Sherry

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