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Update on Djonsly

As many of you know, Djonsly’s story is an incredible walk of faith. His mother is such a strong Christian!

Djonsly (Alvin Jonsley) came to our clinic with his eye hanging out of its socket. His mother had been to many clinics and hospitals and the doctors just turned their back on him and sent them away. She came to our clinic because the Lord sent her to us. We found a Christian hospital in the states and loving surgeons to “put his eye back in its socket.” He was blind in that eye, but cancer almost claimed the other. He went through three major cancer surgeries and then, came home to Haiti. But, he has to go back. We are working on his visa now. The embassy wants more information and more letters from his doctors.

Djonsly had to have water taken from his lungs. He is in a hospital near us now. The doctors seem to think he “may” have a heart problem. We know Djonsly is in the hands of the Lord. We are asking your prayers for this special young man, “who wants to be a doctor!” We love Djonsly and his mother so much, Sherry

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