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Sharing Our Food

Last Saturday we had a food distribution for over 100 missionaries and organizations. The roads between Love A Child and the airport area are full of the “Papaya Gang.” This is the gang that recently abducted the 17 missionaries and killed so many people on the road, and stole vehicles. Therefore, half of the missionary organizations came to get food… the rest of them will “dribble in, little by little,” as the roads are safe. This sweet note came in Anna, from “Loaves and Fishes.” Sometimes, the children did not have the FMSC food and they had to eat crackers or a piece of bread. We are thankful to Feed My Starving Children and always thankful to partners who help with the cost of “getting this food to Haiti, to the children.”

Bobby and Sherry

“Good morning! We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for the food from Feed My Starving Children and the generosity from Love A Child! When we opened our school in 2018, it was just our two families figuring out this calling to open a school within our little, 2 year old ministry. Renting a school and paying salaries and all that came with this endeavor took every penny in our little fund. We knew the school needed to be tuition-free as we serve some of the poorest children, usually orphans, in our area! When we had a few donors, we could feed our students just twice a week – one day was a hot meal and the other day was a piece of bread and some butter. The kids would have crackers or a couple of candies, too.

We had maybe 100 students from Kinder-6th grade when we opened in 2018. We now have right at 350 students daily and are up to 9th grade!! The only way we are able to provide a hot meal EVERY day is through this gift of FOOD! The smiles on the faces of our students are night and day from the pictures at the start of our school! Their bellies are full and they are happy to be at school learning!!!

Blurry pictures- We added a couple of blurry pictures here – the first 2. We know those are not very “useful” but they are the pictures that make me laugh and tear up at the same time. Blurry pictures mean there was a lot of giggling going on. We could never get our students to smile at first and now we’re having to get them to stay still for a clear picture!!! Haha!

We still have to keep the faith every month that ends will meet and all bills will be paid, but we do not have to wonder how our kids will eat! This gift of food every day is a true “Loaves & Fishes” miracle!!!!  Anna, Loaves and Fishes”

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