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Earthquake Update

Bobby and Sherry were just able to reach us by phone with an update on the latest earthquake. It occurred in an area called Anse-A-Veau in the Nippes department of south Haiti. This is where Hubert lives! He had left home this morning on his way to the Gabion houses site when it occurred, so he turned around to check on his family. They are alright, and there is no damage to his house, but there are at least 35 houses fully collapsed, many others badly damaged, 2 people reported dead so far, and reports of many more injured and seeking aid. Hubert is trying to check on the Gabion houses to see how they withstood the earthquake, even before they are completed and fully strengthened to withstand the shaking ground beneath them. Hubert had been reporting many small quakes and tremors for the past few days in the area, but no one expected another bad earthquake like this. Bobby says conditions are very bad and they are asking everyone to join them in prayer. They have no internet and cannot send pictures or updates themselves. To those of you active on our Facebook page, Bobby and Sherry cannot read your comments nor return comments to you until later if they get internet service restored. Bobby said they will figure out what kind of recovery response is needed now and what they can do and let everyone know so we can all work together to help the poor people. There is a dark cloud over Haiti but by Faith, the light of Jesus can lift it.

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