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ATC Update

We just love Wilner and all his Agricultural Training Center crew. Plus, he has students in training right now. It’s a wonder how God made the seed and how the seed produces everything we eat! We are heading out soon to southern Haiti where another earthquake just hit.

We are so thankful for all the seeds we will be taking with us from “Hope Seeds,” David Balsbaugh. Now they can plant a seed and have a harvest!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

—–Original Message—–
From: Wilner
To: Bobby
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2022 4:38 pm
Subject: ATC working today with the bamboo trees.

Dear my Big Boss. How was your day? I hope that was good.

Today we had big work in chad plants, and the ATC vegetable cabbage field, we’ve been cutting bamboo trees they’ve been too focused on better development. After that, we put compost in the cabbage field. A lots of work everywhere my Boss.

Thanks for helping with the pallets.

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