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The Big Bus is on its Way!

This morning about 8:00 am, a big bus came in all the way from Nippes department of south Haiti. They had to come from the dangerous area of Martissaint, one of the most dangerous areas of Haiti.

After that, he had to go through the area where the “Papaya Gangs” are!!! As you may know, there are still “smaller earthquakes hitting south Haiti, and destroying homes…” Hubert sent this big bus to us so that we could fill it with earthquake relief items, family tents, tarps, diapers, blankets, etc.

We filled “every crack” of that HUGE BUS! The driver and his four helpers had to turn around and drive back. He has made it part of the way, and we pray that he and his team will make it all the way back safely.

Sherry and I, and our team had planned on going to south Haiti to distribute these relief items, as well as food that we had already sent over by boat. But, we were warned by several of our Haitian workers, “NOT to go!”

We tried everything we could think of, but no small planes were going. We even tried to find a helicopter, but none were available. So, it seemed that the Lord did not want us to go at this time… We will follow the direction of the Holy Spirit and go when the Lord says to go!

However, the bus full of supplies and all that food that will be distributed by our Haitian team is on its way there now… God bless you!

We are working on a secret plan now which I cannot say…

Bobby and Sherry

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