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Another warm story from the earthquake

Madamn Jacqueline Maçon lost her left leg when her business in Port-au-Prince fell on her in the earthquake of 2010. After the trauma of losing her business and her leg, she moved to her house in Lazile in the south of Haiti to escape the aftershocks and the fear of another quake in Port-au-Prince. In August of 2021, a major earthquake struck the department of Nippes in the south and leveled Jacqueline’s house in Lazile.

Being a Christian, Mrs. Maçon prayed for God to intervene on her behalf, that week Jessie Ostrander from Love a Child found her in front of her destroyed house, hungry and tired from her loss of everything. Immediately Love A Child provided a tent for her to get out of the rain and food to sustain her and her family. Eight months later Madamn Jacqueline and her family have a new house provided by Love A Child and are praising God for his provision!

Hubert, Love A Child Representative

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