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Wilner Exil sent me this e-mail yesterday. I’m so excited the ATC guys are planting coconut and fruit trees all over our Love A Child (LAC) compound! Coconuts are healthy and delicious. Please read below what Wilner (the head of our ATC) wrote me. I love his English.

Missionary Bobby Burnette



On May 24, 2022, at 3:54 PM, Wilner Exil wrote:

Dear my Big Boss. How are you today? I hope everything is fine.

Today, we started planting coconut LAC, 2-3 years old, and starting to give fruit.

We would like to have fruit bearing plants everywhere the LAC yard so that children can get good Organic (bio) fruit to eat. We are planting Orphanage, big mamma, big Depot etc.

Happy Birthday to you mommy Sherry. 💘 so much. Thank you for all support Haitian people. 💘 Loveeeeeee you.


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