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Update on Nelson

Nelson… They used to call him, “I don’t need you,” in Creole!

The first time we saw Nelson was when we were in the village of Old Letant, a mud hut village about 15 minutes from here. His parents were both “Voodoo,” and had other children. For some reason, they sat him on the ground, on his knees; usually right beside a hog that someone owned. They never gave him water… the children would come by and slap him on the head and call him, “I don’t need you,” in Creole. Apparently, his parents never thought he would walk or talk… they were hoping he would die!

So, we asked his mother if we could take him. When we brought him to the Love A Child Children’s Home, I put him in a crib and tried to get him to hold on to the railing and stand. He would cry. After about a month, I bought him a small tricycle. I stood him beside the tricycle and put his hands on the seat… he realized he could balance and move back and forth! That was the start of him walking and talking!

Now, he is doing backward flips, handstands, and playing soccer! He is in 5th grade and “smart as a whip!” He is a good worker, loves to help clean the yard, and will do anything asked. He says he wants to be a mechanic (but that’s because he would get to drive someday!)

We will see what God does in his life! Nelson is another one of our “Miracles!” And, we all love him, Sherry

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