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Saving Rebecca

We have a wonderful Haitian man named Wilson Barthelemy (Nelio) who is over all our work here in Haiti. Without Nelio, nothing could be done. He is the one that helps us get all the licenses we need, deals with problems regarding the containers, etc. He is the one who negotiates when we have a hostage problem. It was Nelio that, “many years ago,” heard about a little girl that was going to be sold as a slave to a man. The little girl was about 3 years old. We were horrified and told Nelio to do whatever he had to do. And he did. That little girl was Rebecca.

Rebecca is now 14 years old and in the 8th grade. She is a beautiful girl with beautiful long black hair. She is so, so sweet! She helps, works, and does whatever she is asked to do… cleaning, ironing, mopping, etc. She loves to cook with the other girls her age. But her heart is in “praise dancing.” She is beautiful and professional. I told her that when she is doing “praise dance,” she is ministering unto the Lord! Rebecca wants to be a dentist. I know she can be anything she wants to be! We all love Rebecca!


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