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“Fritzner… Keeping Him in Pants!!!”

Fritzner is one of my favorite boys, although I have lots of favorites! He is now 13. He was brought to us by a Haitian Pastor in the mountains of Bel Fontaine (Covant). His mother died of “childbirth fever,” and his father was unaccounted for.

He is really a miracle baby, in that he ended up here! He will be in the 7th grade. Fritzner is a quiet boy. He will do anything that is asked of him. He loves to help the cooks… probably because they give him extra food! Ha!!! But he will do anything and do it quietly. He loves soccer, school, and the bass guitar… and he wants to be a doctor!

The kids all him “Pa-sou-sa,” or “I’m not into that!” Our biggest problem with Fritzner… is keeping him in pants! He and Job are like two “coconut trees!” We love this kid!


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