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Good Semi-Container News!

As you know, the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) a few days ago, kidnapped Casimi, along with our semi-tractor and a 40-foot container of FMSC meals. Casimi was released the same day without a ransom being paid. They kept our semi-tractor and container full of FMSC meals.

Nelio, our Haitian director negotiated with the gang. They said they would release our semi-tractor and container without ransom, but without the 1280 boxes of food. They said, “Casimi, come get the semi-tractor and empty container.” It was being kept inside the 400 Mawozo compound! Then at different times, they would change their minds at the “drop of a hat!” The reason was that they are all on heavy drugs and alcohol and they make irrational decisions in the spare of a moment. They will kill you without thinking twice. Thursday was July 7th. One year ago President Jovenel was assassinated. The U.S. Embassy put out a warning for Thursday and Friday.

Good news!!! Yesterday, Casimi brought back our semi-tractor and an empty container to Love A Child. How he did it, is beyond me. How the Lord does a lot of things is beyond me!

Casimi said that on Monday morning he will be back at Customs with our semi-tractor to bring out more FMSC containers for Love A Child!! Really, it’s unbelievable! Casimi has “nerves of steel,” and is very brave. Casimi and Nelio have been talking to the gangs. If God can open the Red Sea for Moses we can have our containers of food. We are not giving up… going forward!! The children and Haitian families are desperate for their food.

This is an emergency… Please pray for Casimi Monday, along with us and the missionaries left in Haiti. Pray for Haiti… Thank you for your prayers and support.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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