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Greetings from Kenya, Africa!

We wanted to visit the home of Karen Blixen, who wrote the book “Out of Africa,” which later was made into a movie in 1985. What an incredible movie it was, telling about this young woman who moved to Africa with her future husband “Baron” to start a business, but later ended up doing more for the poor Africans than you can imagine!

Enclosed are pictures of Karen’s house, which she moved into in 1917. There was a picture of Karen and her dog on the wall (black and white) and some of the historical, old, rusted farm equipment which she used to grow coffee on their coffee plantation. We can’t tell you enough about the movie “Out of Africa,” but it is such a touching story of how the life of one person can affect thousands! Here in this area (near Nairobi), everything is named after Karen… “Karen Medical Center,” “Karen Streets,” “Karen this, Karen that…” Everything you see is all named after one person who affected and blessed the lives of so many! She was “so good” to the African people. She has been gone for many years, but they still love her!

More pictures of “Africa” to come!

Bobby and Sherry

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