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Still A Little Girl At Heart

Rodna… She still loves dolls, but she’s all grown up!

Her mother died when she was born, and her father had to borrow the money for the funeral. It was told to us that the man her father “borrowed” the money from was so evil that he kidnapped the children until the money could be repaid. But, as the story goes, the kidnapper never returned the other children. Her father became so distressed that he could not work. Rodna suffered from malnutrition and was brought to our orphanage.

Rodna loves to work. She sweeps and mops the floors and is always cleaning. She irons clothes and helps take care of the little ones. She is “all girl,” but can shoot a basket and get it in the hoop!! She also loves jumping rope!! She still loves dolls and will be starting 7th grade! We love her!!


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