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Update on Yonel

Yonel has grown into a fine, sweet, and hard-working young man. He got married a little over a year ago and moved to the Dominican Republic looking for a job. But, it is not easy for a Haitian to get a job there… so, he moved back to Fond Parisien. He is a painter, but his special gift is teaching the Bible and scriptures to our Haitian children at night. They “love Yonel!”

We found him during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Haiti. His grandmother brought him to us, looking much like a skeleton! Sadly enough, his sister died, but we were able to bring Yonel home with us. Now, he can save money for the house he is building not far from us! We love Yonel and the kids adore home!! We will keep you posted on the progress of his house.


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