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Update on Milana

Miliana was one of the saddest little girls I had ever seen. We were in a remote village, doing a Love A Child program when I saw her out of the corner of my eye. She was about the age of six, very, very tiny… walking and twisting a small cord, attached to a dirty sweater. She walked with her head “down.”

When I saw her, I noticed growths coming out from her arms, her legs, and all over. They looked like little “tree trunks.” After taking her to many doctors here in Haiti, we tried sending her to specialists in the states. We had house parents for her, the best… but she did not improve. She still has growths coming out of her arms, legs, the bottom of her feet, and all over.

Some call this “tree trunk” syndrome, but there are other names for this. We are praying that “after things calm down in Haiti,” we will be able to take her to the Dominican Republic to a specialist and see what they can do for her. She is a sweet girl and we feel so sorry for her. She will be in 9th grade this year.


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