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Update on Sherry

The Lord is good!  

Update on Sherry: As you know, we had to return from Haiti, to Florida, because Sherry’s back was broken in two places (fractures). Her doctor here actually told her she had three fractures in her back. Sherry is doing really great. In Haiti, I had to help her get up from her chair. Now she goes all day long here moving and shaking. Sherry looks normal and acts normal. You would never believe she had a broken back. She does have some pain. Monday, her doctor here will be lining her up for therapy. Therapy will only last about a month.

I’m praying for wisdom if I should return to Haiti this week or stay here in Florida with Sherry during her back therapy. Jesse is there in Haiti, doing a great job and all the Haitian staff are doing a great job. We miss the children. We love you. Thank you for your prayers and support. Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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