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Church of the Changed

The Love A Child church here is always full. There are many Love A Child churches just like this one all over Haiti. But this is the one the kids from the orphanage call “their church”. Young or old, or somewhere in between, the place is full of happy people lifting up thanks and praise to a worthy God!

They have reason to rejoice. As I look around, I see changed lives. No, I cannot see their hearts, only God can, but some things are abundantly clear. The churchgoers are happy and thankful, and they praise God with passion and strength.

I am mindful of where they were before Love A Child started working here. I think about the situation these people came from, the bleak daily struggle to survive, the abject poverty, and the absence of a plan for tomorrow. But all that is different now. They worship freely, with hearts of gratitude, and a voice of thanks! They remember where they have been, but now God is doing a new work in them.

Thank you for supporting this ministry. Your generosity has helped these people see the reality of Jesus. Your faithful partnership with Love A Child is changing the landscape. These people are well-fed, sharply dressed, and in good health. Many are prospering with jobs and businesses. Their children are being educated and are developing a mindset for a successful future. Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty. These lives are tokens of God’s grace, and you are a huge part of their testimony! Thank you.

Philippians 1:6: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Jesse Ostrander

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