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Mobile Medical Clinics

After living in Haiti for many years, we realized the great need for Mobile Medical Clinics in the “regions beyond.” The mountain poor have no clinics, no pharmacy, and no doctor. When they have a serious burn, it is often coated with mud, charcoal, crushed eggshells, etc.

When we bring a Mobile Medical Clinic into a faraway village, it lets the people know “someone cares!” It lets them know that God has not forgotten them.

All medicine is free, and we feed all those who come, and we send them away with “Jesus!” We supply eyeglasses for those who need them, and everyone receives prayer and the opportunity to receive Jesus!

We have had these three sweeties since the 2010 earthquake… Madamn Rosemarie, Madamn Jesula, and Madamn Denise! They keep all the medicines labeled in Creole, check for expired meds, and let me know what we are short of. They also prepare the Family Packs of medicine that go out each time we have a Mobile Medical Clinic…

We are thankful for those of you who have sponsored Mobile Medical Clinics in the past and hope you continue to do so. “You” are the “Good Samaritan!”

God bless you, Sherry

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