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Word from the Mission Field

“Turning Your Face to the Wall”

I have realized in my life that there is a difference between praying a “prayer,” and “turning your face to the wall” and getting ahold of God… Sometimes, we get in a rut and just “pray a prayer.” But, when it comes down to needing a real miracle, “now,” it’s different…

Before we moved to Haiti, we were “poorer than poor.” Bobby had been diagnosed with “Melanoma” cancer. I had seen a spot on his side and had to beg him to go to the doctor. I remember the doctor saying, “You’re going to need surgery, but you don’t have any medical insurance to go to a hospital. I’ll just have to give you ‘local’ and do it in my office. It will be the largest surgery I have ever done in an office.” The realization hit me! We were flat broke, and Bobby needed the surgery, or he would not live. I had always prayed, but this time was different. I remembered what Hezekiah did in 2 Kings 20:1. Hezekiah had just been told by the Lord to “set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.” That’s when I put my face to the wall and prayed for a miracle!

As he was praying, the very same moment, God spoke to the Prophet Isaiah, and God told him to tell Hezekiah, “I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee.” (2 Kings 20:5) That’s what we did. Bobby and I both “turned our face to the wall,” and asked God for a miracle! After the surgery, the test came back “negative!”

God not only healed Hezekiah, but God delivered his kingdom out of the hand of the king of Assyria! When you are in trouble and need a real miracle, try “turning your face to the wall!” Do whatever it takes to get ahold of God for your miracle! Blessings!


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