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Esther… She’ll Make a Good Vet!

Esther is now in her last and toughest grade in Haiti, “Philo.” Her sister is Widlene and both little ones were brought to me by their mother many years ago, right outside our home gate, in Haiti. Her mother, Madamn Jesula, had knocked on our gate, hoping to give up her two children “because she was dying,” and needed someone to take them in.

When we discovered Madamn Jesula was quite ill, we sent her to a doctor who diagnosed her with severe anemia and the fact that she was getting very little food. We took in her with these two little girls and gave mom a job! Esther has always wanted to be a veterinarian, so we need to find a good college for her. She loves animals, and loves music, loves “just about everything!”


P.S. She will be looking for an American husband! Ha!!! (We always tease the girls!)

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