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Word from the Mission Field

“Your Prayers and Your Alms…”

What are alms? We find a wonderful story in Acts 10:1-4… We find a good man, Cornelius, who was a “Centurian” of the band they called “the Italian Band.”

He was a devout man who feared God and who “gave much alms to the people…” (He gave to the poor every day!) God sent him a vision, and in the vision, an Angel of God came down and “called him by his name…” “Cornelius, Thy prayers and thine alms (giving to the poor) have come up for a memorial before God!” Wow!

God sees you when you pay tithes because that’s what we owe God. But, there is a special blessing in giving “alms,” or giving to the poor; it gives “beyond offerings and tithes.” It was so important that God sent an Angel to encourage Cornelius and to let him know that “the Lord has given his almsgiving to the poor!” God never forgets those who help the poor!!!

Have a great day and look for someone “less fortunate than you” and slip some money into their hand!


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