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Nelson… “Pa Bezouin Ou”

His name means “I don’t need you.” What a horrible name for a little boy. Nelson grew up in the village of Old Letant. His mother and father had lots of kids and were deeply involved in Voodoo. He could not walk or talk, even though he was about four or five. His mother would pick him up by one of his arms each morning and drag him outside the hut and “drop him on the ground.” (Usually beside the hog.) He would sit in the hot sun all day with no water and kids would smack him on the head and say, “Mwen pa bezouin ou!” (I don’t need you.)

He sat with his knees folded all day on the ground, in the heat of the sun. Until one day, God said, “Pick him up,” I reached down and picked up this hot, thirsty, dirty, naked little boy, who immediately threw his arms around my neck! For a long time, he could not walk! But one day, I bought a little red tricycle. I made him stand beside the bike and he put his hands on the seat! That’s how he learned how to walk!!

Now, he plays soccer, basketball, and does cartwheel flips! He is 12 and in 6th grade! No one ever calls him, “Pa bezouin ou,” anymore! Thank you for changing another life!


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