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We’re So Proud of Jean Richard…

In Haiti, if you have a disability, you won’t be alive very long, or if you do live, you will be worse off than anyone can imagine. For someone born with cerebral palsy, you could consider your life gone, especially if you lived in the mountains.

When the 2010 earthquake hit Haiti, we found ourselves making room for children from a handicap orphanage, which was destroyed. One of those children was Jean Richard.

He was so sweet and kind that when the rest found a home and left, we kept him. We put him in our school. But, it was difficult for him to get around.

One of our partners bought a specialized bike for him, and his life changed! We also noticed that he had taught himself how to use a keyboard, and with a laptop, he could enter special music to mix. We sent him to a special school in Port-au-Prince, and he excelled!

He now will graduate in October with a degree in music and computer science. However, our hearts are broken because we cannot be with him to see him graduate… We have tried to figure out a way, but now, there are more gangs than ever before.

We wanted all our friends and partners to know “that your giving was not in vain” and that you have made a “great impact” on his life and many more.

You, our partners, bring tears to our eyes, and you “have never given up on us.”

We love you.


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