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Word from the Mission Field

“God Evens Out the Playing Field.”

In I Samuel Chapter 1, you will read Hannah’s story, the lady who lived in Mt. Ephraim. Her husband was a “good man,” taking care of Hannah and his other wife, Peninnah. It turns out that Peninnah had children and Hannah had none… year after year went by until one Sabbath, when she was in the “house of the Lord,” the prophet of God, Eli the priest, had heard her prayers and saw her tears. She was in “bitterness of soul.”

When Eli found out what was wrong, he told her that God was going to “grant her, her petition.” It wasn’t long before she had a son… a great Prophet of the Lord, “Samuel.” In Chapter 2, Hannah prays, and in these prayers, you see how “God evens out the playing field.” “He brings the high down low, the hungry is fed, the woman who was barren had seven sons… God takes down and He brings up!”

That’s why it’s always best to be humble and take the last seat, instead of grabbing for the first seat! Let’s always ask the Lord to let us be humble… Have a great day.


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