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The Mondisir Family Has Lost Everything


On Thursday night, the Mondisir family of the remote village of Gran Ravine in South Haiti lost their house in a terrible fire. One of the sons was burned badly, along with another one of the children. The fire consumed their clothes, their beds, and even the pot they cooked food in. With no place to sleep, no money for medical attention, and no money for food, Lesonia Mondisir had lost all hope.

Many miles away, our precious Hubert Severin and the Love A Child crew heard of the family’s plight and delivered a new tent, clothes, sheets, and mats to lay on. Money was also given to go to the hospital for burn treatments. Lesonia cried tears when Hubert prayed with her, for God to provide a new house. Please remember this family in your prayers.

Bobby Burnette

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