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Our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) guys brought to our Orphan’s Home a truckload of vegetables they had grown. Oh, the children are happy. Sherry and I are happy we live with the children! Yum! Sherry and I have a fresh mango or a fresh papaya for breakfast every morning. Nothing like a fresh Haitian mango!

Our ATC School teaches other Haitians how to grow successful crops for their families and make a living.

This is a Sustainability project teaching Haitians how to help themselves. Teaching Haitians in some areas how to turn sandy, bad, rocky soil into growing fresh vegetables is a wonderful feeling. Wilner, you and your team are great!

Thank you, “Hope Seeds International,” for all your wonderful donations of seeds. David Balsbaugh, our friend, is the President. Thank you to Joe Perkins and Ron Lusk at Sustainable Food Production for all the great shade houses. Rad Hazelip was the father of the vision! Love you!

Bobby Burnette

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