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Word from the Mission Field

Have you ever lost your footing? Maybe walking on ice, in the dark, in the mud, or on a gravel slope? When this happens, “you are not in control.” The Lord told Jeremiah what would happen to those wicked people who abuse the poor, who lie, and do not trust in the Lord… “Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness.” Jeremiah 23:12

I have fallen on slippery ice… it is bad in the daytime, but worse at night when you cannot see. And as for mud, there is nothing as slippery as this gooey, slimy mud in Haiti when it rains. Once, when our team was walking out of a village at night, we only had one flashlight for the whole team and I fell behind, my foot stepped deep into that “slippery, slimy mud” at night… and yes, I fell! Anytime we are in disobedience, our feet are not on “solid ground.” We are liable to “slip” into something we should not. Some of you know what I am talking about, because “you already have mud on your shoes!” But when we walk in complete obedience, the Bible teaches us, “Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.” 2 Samuel 22:37

A just man can fall seven times, but he always gets back up on his feet again! Have a great day!


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