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Word from the Mission Field

The “backside of the desert…”

We all love to be with the Lord by the cool waters flowing or on the mountain top! We love to walk with Him through the forest and see the wonder of our great God! When Moses was caring for his father-in-law’s sheep, for some reason, he led his flock “to the backside of the desert.” God could have chosen a more beautiful place for this special occasion. For after all, the Lord was getting ready to call Moses for the biggest job the world has ever heard of… leading the Israelite slaves through the desert on a 40-year trip through hostile tribes to their promised land! You may be “on the backside of a desert,” but don’t be discouraged! God is with you! He just needs to get your attention so you will be ready when your blessing comes!! Hang in there! Something good is about to happen!! Sherry

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