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Dieubon AKA “Sponge Bob, Haiti”

During a Mobile Medical Clinic years ago, Dr. Falterman laid his eyes on a young boy with “double clubfoot.” That little boy was Dieubon. (His name means “God is Good.”)

Dr. Falterman and his wife, Debbie, took Dieubon back to the States for several operations, including spinal problems. After healing, Dieubon was returned to Haiti.

Sadly enough, Dr. Falterman passed on, but he was in the “arms of Jesus!” Dieubon, who had always been short, remained with us, finished school, and joined the “painting team!”

He decided to grow a beard because all young Haitian guys say the ladies here “love men with beards!” Hmm.

Dieubon is always happy, always smiling, and always ready for a laugh or a joke! The kids nicknamed him… “SpongeBob Haiti!”
Everyone loves him!


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